WHO IS THE CAPTAIN: The first player listed in each 4some is the Captain that day. Everyone takes turns and you will be captain, on average, about once every four rounds.
- Get a large SCOREKEEPER CARD at the Pro Shop
- PLEASE use a pen, provided at the Pro Shop
- Record Your name and the Tee-Off Time on the top of the card.
- Write LAST Name and FIRST Name name or initial on the card. ie: Doug McCann would be McCann, D
- If everyone has arrived, Tee-Off when ready. However, If you are missing a player that hasn’t cancelled, WAIT until your tee time so they don’t get stranded.
- Record everyone’s scores and total the card. It’s probably best if you confirm the scores with the players. (Don’t worry about handicaps, They are captured every day prior to play.)
- Take the lead in maintaining the “pace of play”. A simple way to do that is to ensure that you can alway see the group in front of you.
- Have fun out there and then bring the scorecard to the Pro Shop.
- Buy yourself a drink…you will have earned it.